From the very first EMPLOYEE, companies need to conform with the Labour legislation and is requested to report on mothly basis to Labour authorities.
Via Rumania proposes a complete service to their clients whenever human resources are concerned. Our list of benefits includes:
– Preparation of labour contracts;
– Preparation of JOB descriptions;
– Preparation nof addenda to existing labour contracts;
– Preparation of a data base with all labour information for the employee;
– Preparation of the employees’ files, requesting them all the necessary information to assure their completeness;
– Preparation of the the different documentation necessary to breach, interupt or reiniciate a labour contract;
– Preparation of leave documentation for resigning employees;
– Preparation of ancienity certificates for employees;
– Preparation of any kind of labour report under employer’s request;
– Preparation of the firm’s set of policies and procedures for employees;
– Legal advice to employer and to employee under employer’s request;
– Active presence in case of labour inspection;
– Preparation of the General Employees’ Company Register and communication of all mandatory informations to the Labour authorities within legal terms;
– Advice to employer for disciplinary policies;
– Advice on each labour matter under legal frame.
Salary services:
– Preparation and updating of the data base for contract communication to labour authorities;
– Transcription of monthly presence sheets prepared by the company to the salaries calculation sheet;
– BONUSES calculation;
– Holidays, medical leave, maternity leave and other absences registration;
– Social charge calculation for both employer and EMPLOYEE;
– Payroll preparation;
– Social charge return preparation;
– Tax revenue calculation;
– Return 112 preparation and filing;
– Rectification returns;
– Employees’ certificates preparation;
– Preparation of any salary report requested by the client;
– Legal support for any salary calculation doubt;
– Advice on salary matters.